Nottingham City Motors (NCM)
If you buy a vehicle from us or have asked us to Source a vehicle for you, you will have the option of using our “trade-back” service. After having the vehicle for 6 months and up to 12 months of ownership, you can buy another vehicle from us or you can Source one through us without paying anything towards the new vehicle or you can chose to pay any amount towards the new vehicle. It works like this:
1 - You buy a vehicle from us or Source it through us.
2 - After 6 months and before 12 months you want to change it.
3 - You contact us, we value your vehicle based on its current condition and mileage, we give you a ‘trade’ valuation or £200 above any ‘car buying service’ quote.
4 - If we agree on the valuation for your vehicle, you pay a ‘Deposit’ or ‘Sourcing’ fee of £300.
5 - You tell us what vehicle you want, it must be to the same value as the valuation amount for you vehicle or you can pay any amount on top of the valuation towards the new vehicle.
6 - You keep the current vehicle whilst we find your new vehicle (max 4 weeks).
7 - When we find your vehicle, we inform you and give you all the details about it, if you agree, we buy the vehicle and collect for free if 60 miles or less from our office.
8 - We clean & check it for you to collect (or you can have it delivered at an extra cost) and you pay nothing for the vehicle, unless you have agreed to pay extra for the new vehicle than your valuation amount.
9 - We keep the £300 ‘Sourcing’ fee.
Note: After we have collected the new vehicle you can engage any of our other services and receive a 15% discount on each service.
Minimum valuation - £2000
If at anytime you decide to cancel the agreement before the new vehicle is bought by us, we will deduct £50 from the ‘deposit’ for our time and resources and £250 will be returned to you. If you cancel the agreement after we have paid for the new vehicle then we will deduct £100 from the ‘deposit’ for our time & resources and £200 will be returned to you.